Ways To Cope With A Cancer Recurrence

A recurrence in cancer brings back some of the emotions, you experienced when first diagnosed with cancer. There might be shock of having cancer come back, when you assumed it was gone. This can cause distress, self-doubt, anxiety, fear and anger. You may doubt your choice of treatment, or the lifestyle choices you made all this while. You may be angry with your doctor for not being able to stop the cancer from coming back. All these feeling and emotions are normal. However, you need not look back. Instead, focus on your current situation and what you need to do now. Here are a few tips to dealing with a recurrence better:

1. Understand the fact that you know more now. Knowing more about cancer and the treatment options can help to reduce your anxiety.
2. Since you have done this before, you know what’s best for you. You can draw from your experiences to plan ahead. Use coping mechanisms that you used earlier.
3. Speak with your doctor, your friend, or a family member, who you know provides good emotional support.
4. Seeking a second opinion may help you to better understand your treatment choices.

It is normal to experience emotional distress after a diagnosis of cancer recurrence. However, if the distress is long-lasting or starts to interfere with your daily activities, you may seek help.C ounseling is a way to cope with difficult feelings. Another good way is tojo in a support group or online community to share your experiences and feelings with others in the same situation.

A recurrence in cancer brings back some of the emotions, you experienced when first diagnosed with cancer. There might be shock of having cancer come back, when you assumed it was gone. This can cause distress, self-doubt, anxiety, fear and anger. You may doubt your choice of treatment, or the lifestyle choices you made all this while. You may be angry with your doctor for not being able to stop the cancer from coming back. All these feeling and emotions are normal. However, you need not look back. Instead, focus on your current situation and what you need to do now. Here are a few tips to dealing with a recurrence better:

1. Understand the fact that you know more now. Knowing more about cancer and the treatment options can help to reduce your anxiety.
2. Since you have done this before, you know what’s best for you. You can draw from your experiences to plan ahead. Use coping mechanisms that you used earlier.

3. Speak with your doctor, your friend, or a family member, who you know provides good emotional support.
4. Seeking a second opinion may help you to better understand your treatment choices.

It is normal to experience emotional distress after a diagnosis of cancer recurrence. However, if the distress is long-lasting or starts to interfere with your daily activities, you may seek help.C ounseling is a way to cope with difficult feelings. Another good way is tojo in a support group or online community to share your experiences and feelings with others in the same situation.

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