How To Prevent Cancer From Coming Back

Ways To Prevent Cancer From Coming Back

Prevention of recurrence works the same way as preventing cancer in the first place.

Cancer treatments mostly have 2 goals-to kill cancer, and prevent it from coming back. However, medical treatments are not the only way to prevent recurrence. There is growing evidence that your health habits, such as the foods you eat, or don’t eat and the amount of exercise you get after your treatment is over, can also help cancer from coming back. Some of these strategies work at reducing your chances of recurrence and that too without the ill effects of treatments.

There is growing evidence that maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise can prevent cancer and also its recurrence. Quitting smoking and alcohol, and removing wrong foods like processed meats, excessive sugars, oils rich in saturated fats, red meat, processed meats, are good ways to prevent recurrence. Eating foods rich in fruits and vegetables, around the entire color spectrum, whole grains, healthy oils, are additional ways to reduce cancer risk.

Reducing stress is as important as getting the right
treatment, eating the right foods or exercising.

Try reducing stress through regular exercise,
meditation, or pursuing hobbies or activities that relax
and fulfill you. You may not be able to eliminate stress
from your life but you can always learn to manage it

Ways To Prevent Cancer From Coming Back

Prevention of recurrence works the same way as preventing cancer in the first place.

Cancer treatments mostly have 2 goals-to kill cancer, and prevent it from coming back. However, medical treatments are not the only way to prevent recurrence. There is growing evidence that your health habits, such as the foods you eat, or don’t eat and the amount of exercise you get after your treatment is over, can also help cancer from coming back. Some of these strategies work at reducing your chances of recurrence and that too without the ill effects of treatments.

There is growing evidence that maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise can prevent cancer and also its recurrence. Quitting smoking and alcohol, and removing wrong foodslike processed meats, excessive sugars, oils rich in saturated fats, red meat, processed meats, are good ways to prevent recurrence. Eating foods rich in fruits and vegetables, around the entire color spectrum, whole grains, healthy oils, are additional ways to reduce cancer risk.

Reducing stress is as important as getting the right treatment, eating the right foods or exercising.

Try reducing stress through regular exercise, meditation, or pursuing hobbies or activities that relax and fulfill you. You may not be able to eliminate stress from your life but you can always learn to manage it better.

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