What is Cancer Immunotherapy?

How the immune system works to protect us?

Our immune system works to protect our body against infection, illness and disease. It also works to protect us from the development of cancer. The immune system includes the lymph glands, spleen and white blood cells.

Normally, it can spot and destroy faulty cells in the body, stopping cancer from developing. Cancer develops when:

  • the immune system fails to recognise cancer cells
  • the cancer cells produce signals that stop the immune system from attacking it
  • the cancer cells hide or escape from the immune system

An intact immune system is important to people with cancer because:

  • cancer can weaken the immune system
  • cancer treatments might weaken the immune system
  • the immune system may help to fight cancer

Cancer treatments that are likely to weaken the immune system are:

  • chemotherapy
  • radiotherapy
  • high dose of steroids

Cancer treatments that are likely to weaken the immune system are:

  • chemotherapy
  • radiotherapy
  • high dose of steroids

With a newer modality that’s been introduced in the recent past only and one that has the potential to change the entire paradigm of cancer treatment, the dream of finding true cures in cancer are not a distant reality.

This approach doesn’t act directly on cancer but works on the immune system to do its job of cancer-killing. Cancer immunotherapy is a way to treat cancer by defeating the tricks it uses to hide itself from the immune system. In the process, cancer gets unmasked and the power of the immune system gets unleashed. The battle that was due and yet was not happening, begins, giving a chance to restart the battle.

Cancer Immunotherapy therefore works differently. It does not act upon the cancer directly, rather it weakens methods by which cancer was thriving up until now. It unlocks the killer cells in our immune system and allows them to do their job of cancer killing. It is such a natural way to treat cancer. One that is powerful and long lasting. One that does not give rise to any collateral damage, unlike surgery radiation and chemotherapy. It truly is a breakthrough in Medicine.

A powerful immune system leads to a strong defense mechanism

What’s interesting to note is that throughout history of medicine, scientists and physicians have observed cancers disappearing on their own. The cancers apparently cured themselves ie they disappeared spontaneously on their own, and this has often been perceived as a work of some magic or miracle. when it is now understood better that it happened as a result of the awakened immune system.

Immunotherapy has come up in a big way only after scientists started to discover the different cells involved in cancer-killing process, and the numerous pathways and mechanisms involved in cancer killing.

With a newer modality that’s been introduced in the recent past only and one that has the potential to change the entire paradigm of cancer treatment, the dream of finding true cures in cancer are not a distant reality.

This approach doesn’t act directly on cancer but works on the immune system to do its job of cancer-killing. Cancer immunotherapy is a way to treat cancer by defeating the tricks it uses to hide itself from the immune system. In the process, cancer gets unmasked and the power of the immune system gets unleashed. The battle that was due and yet was not happening, begins, giving a chance to restart the battle.

Cancer Immunotherapy therefore works differently. It does not act upon the cancer directly, rather it weakens methods by which cancer was thriving up until now. It unlocks the killer cells in our immune system and allows them to do their job of cancer killing. It is such a natural way to treat cancer. One that is powerful and long lasting. One that does not give rise to any collateral damage, unlike surgery radiation and chemotherapy. It truly is a breakthrough in Medicine.

A powerful immune system leads to a strong defense mechanism

What’s interesting to note is that throughout history of medicine, scientists and physicians have observed cancers disappearing on their own. The cancers apparently cured themselves ie they disappeared spontaneously on their own, and this has often been perceived as a work of some magic or miracle. when it is now understood better that it happened as a result of the awakened immune system.

Immunotherapy has come up in a big way only after scientists started to discover the different cells involved in cancer-killing process, and the numerous pathways and mechanisms involved in cancer killing.

Immunotherapy: The Breakthrough Cancer Treatment

Traditionally, we have been treating cancer by attacking it with chemotherapy, radiation, or by removing it with surgery.…

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